Posts in Life
These are a few of my favorite things

I think I have mentioned before that I am ridiculously forgetful. Hands down. I forget things. Often. I will adamantly argue that I have not seen a certain movie, or have not been to thus-and-such restaurant, or did (or did not) tell Matt about something on our schedule... only to suddenly realize that I forgot. It happens to the best of us. And it happens to me. A lot. It seems like maybe more than it does to the average person. 

That being said. This is a post more for my own memory sake-- than for anyone else's interest.

This season has it's ups and downs (often many in a single day), but here are products that bring a bit of fun and peace to our days.



Baby Einstein Tummy Time Pillow

Milo (and Oliver for that matter) LOVE this pillow. Sweet boy is rocking tummy time on it. He is super great at propping himself up on his elbows and looking around. He loves talking to himself when I put a mirror up for him to see. This is honestly the only new toy we have bought for our little guy... and I'm super glad we did.






Dragon Eye Oolong Tea

You guys. I don't love coffee. I don't even super love hot chocolate. But this. This I love. It is my very favorite tea. I first had it at PF Chang's several years ago, but since then have found it in health food stores mostly. For whatever reason, it's a hard one to come by. Anyway, I'm on my last cuppa right now, and have just ordered more. I recently found out that the Vitamin Shoppe carries it. And I'm set.





Caroline Cobb: The Blood + the Breath

Just in general, I'm a big fan of this girl. Thankful to hear her heart and share time and space with her in this season of life. But also, so very thankful for her music. It is working on my heart and is often playing in our home. It helps me pause to worship during the day, and helps me refocus during chaos. Also, Oliver is her biggest fan.

"Wisten to Miss Car-nine's song? I wuv Miss Car-nine music!"







Elizabeth Mitchell: You are My Little Bird

Speaking of music. Children's music that I don't hate. I love the folky tunes of Elizabeth Mitchell. Oliver asks for "Wittle Wiza Jane song" on  repeat. And I don't even mind. Because it is amazing. She has a way, ya'll. Today in the car, he kept asking for the "zoo song song" and I had NO idea what he was talking about. Finally, by happen stance, Elizabeth Mitchell's Zousan (Little Elephant) came on, and it all made sense. Seriously, if you have kids music on in your house, and you like the folk sound, you need to take a listen.






The Hidden Smile of God, John Piper

So the thing is, I very rarely find myself thinking about things of depth. I miss the days where there was room and space for thoughts. Piper helps me take a moment. He wrote a series of biographies, and if there were lives worth remembering and honoring, it would be these heroes. This particular book is written about John Bunyan (author of Pilgrims Progress), William Cowper (author of they hymn "There is a Fountain Filled with Blood") and David Brainerd (missionary who gave his life on the mission field). Their stories lift my eyes. They remind me that God does not toy with our lives or our hearts.



Native Shoes

Ummm shoes that my 2-year-old can put on independently. Yes. This is our first pair and I'm so loving them. As much as he is outside, playing at the water table, getting soaked... these have become our best friend. Also, their customer service is top-notch. I know this because I failed to read the warning labels that came attached to the shoes... the one that says don't leave in direct sunlight for extended periods of time. And our shoes melted. People. OUR  SHOES MELTED. And the kind folks at Native quickly replaced them, at no cost to me. Needless to say, they have won me over. 



Stitch Fix

I'm about to open my 4th box. And I just want to say. Hallelujah. One. I'm not going to pay a baby sitter to come watch the boys so I can shop. Baby sitters are hard enough to come by... I'm saving them for date nights. Two. My stylist picks things that I would never even consider pulling off the rack (aka anything other than a solid or striped shirt and a pair of jeans) and I love her for it. As it turns out, there is a whole world beyond stripes and solids. Three. It's Christmas in a box. On the first of every month.




Google Express 

Seriously. This. Is. Amazing. I don't mean to make anyone jealous who lives outside the Bay Area, but really. You guys. I order my groceries. And they come to my door. This is a game changer. It's $95 per year, and as long as the order is over $15, delivery is free. I'm pretty sure it's saving me money too, because I'm not wandering around Target as often, picking up all those "oh yeah, I probably need this too" items.