That's What the Promise is for

I'm teary eyed from spending time with these people and their photos. While we were in Oklahoma visiting this month, I had the honor of stepping behind the viewfinder and snapping a few photos of my grandparents.

If only you could know their deep affection and their gentle, quiet strength. How full of grace, what tender care, such fierce love. While we were home over Christmas, I sat with my grandma by their fireplace and asked questions and heard stories and listened to bits of their life that I was only vaguely aware of before. About life as an officer's wife, about raising babies, about loving a husband, about listening to Jesus, about grief and joy and grace and hope.

Grandma and Grandpa, we are so richly blessed by your lives, by your hearts, by your marriage, by your example of faith and hope and love. 

I've included a song at the bottom of this post that speaks to what I have seen and continue to see in your marriage. You dance just beautifully, through the minefields and the storms.

All my love.




Grandma and Grandpa- you dance just beautifully. 

All my love

Sara Dear1 Comment