Wayne & Darcy, Bringing Home Baby
Oklahoma City, OK
This sweet session, this sweet couple, this sweet baby. I cannot even. I have had the privilege of walking with this girl through so many different seasons… and now to step into her home, just hours after her son was born, was almost more than my heart could take.
More than any other type of session, birth photography has my heart beat and I cannot wait to step into delivery rooms with families doing the brave and beautiful work of birth. This season in my family’s life doesn’t quite give me the margin that birthing momma’s need, so Fresh 48’s are about as close to birth as I can get. The closer to golden hour, the better in my opinion!
Until then, I love to hear the first versions of each wee one’s delivery. How his momma was a hero, how his daddy was an anchor, how labor progressed rapidly like a storm or slow and steady like a train, how each woman was sustained and so very carried, despite the way labor might have twisted and turned in unexpected ways. I will never tire of hearing these stories. I will never tire of capturing that very fresh love.