Making Peace with the Long Days
So here's the thing. Last month was intense. Like super intense. The days felt long and overwhelming without Matt. My nerves felt raw. Tiny sparks of frustration that I could normally diffuse, turned into wildfires beneath my skin, and tempted me to eat dinner in our bedroom with a fan turned on high to drown out the chaos of two little boys.
Not. Good.
Probably normal.
But still.
Not. Good.
And so I spent the last few weeks trying to bring a little peace to our home.
I called a sweet friend, who has walked through the chaos raising four tiny people into functioning adults, and we brainstormed peace together. It wasn't rocket science. But I seriously could not have gotten there on my own... because sleep deprivation.
And here's what we've got.
All of my senses were flooded constantly. Noise. The noise level in our home with a toddler who loves to sing at the top of his lungs (adorable, very, but people, I'm human and can only take so many renditions of The ABC's and Twinkle Twinkle at max volume). Touch. Love nursing Milo. Just love it. Love snuggling and wrestling and crawling around on the floor with Oliver. But I am touched ALL DAY LONG. Clutter. So. Much. Laundry. Just so very many onesies and blankets and strawberry stained toddler T-shirts.
So here is peace.
I took a look at all the intense sensory input I had during the day and brainstormed how to lower the volume. Visually. Auditory. Physically. Even my sense of smell.
We've got lavender in the Scentsy. Laundry I can't get to is closed behind the guest bedroom door. Toys are put up before Oliver's rest. Whining and screaming and fussing is dealt with swiftly. Calm music is playing non stop in the living room.
And schedule. I've given us a rhythm for our days. The days felt LONG and unstructured. Empty hours I was trying to fill... which was just daunting. I didn't realize how desperate Oliver and I both were for a rhythm. It's not for every home, or every family... but oh how much calmer and more cheerful my toddler has been since we've made a rhythm.
Here is what it looks like roughly:
Wake: TV time
8:30 Breakfast
9:00 Quiet play in bedroom
9:30 Outside Time (Walk, Park, Back yard)
10:30 Mommy's helper & Free play
11:30 Table time with Mommy (messy crafts and learning activities)
12:00 Lunch
12:45 Books
1:00 Rest
3:00 Snack and Special Time with Mommy
3:30 Free play
4:00 Back yard
5:00 TV time
6:00 Dinner
I'm not a stickler on times. And there are mornings when we are grocery shopping or on an adventure or having a playdate. But when we are home, this is our rhythm. And it fits like a glove. And it's as calming to Oliver as being swaddled is to Milo's little nervous system. It helps me move through the day with more purpose... and to be honest, efficiency.
And we are feeling better. And we are having more peaceful moments back to back. And we are breathing deeper.
And the behavioral health therapist in me may or may not be making a visual schedule for Oliver. Because that is how I roll.
And we are still looking for ways to make peace with the long days. And Matt & I are praying peace over our home and creativity for my momma heart.
I would LOVE to hear what brings peace to your home. Seriously. We have so much room to grow and so many years to do it.