Two Months. We love you through and through
Two months. Two months with sweet Milo.
And it feels like we are dating our heart throb. We are head over heels with someone we are just beginning to know.
We are so deeply in love with him, and so powerfully aware that we have so many things to learn about who he is and how he is, and we have a life time to discover him.
Our little Chap continues to be an easy babe. He weighed in at 11 pounds (22nd percentile) and is 22.2 inches long (20th percentile). He's being kind to his momma and going for 4 and 5 hour stretches between feeds at night. He nurses at 10pm and then wakes between 2 and 3 am for his night feed, and then again around 6 or 7 am. During the day he's ready to eat every three hours, and is starting to cluster feed on his own in the evening... which I hope means we are gearing up for a six hour stretch, but we are not there quite yet.
We introduced a bottle when he was 5 weeks old, and it took some learning, but he's gotten the hang of it. He eats 3oz when we offer a bottle, which is typically about two times per week. (I'm pumping 5oz at this point.)
He's transitioned from a "hold me vertical and face me in baby" to a "lay me exactly horizontal, hide my face in the crook of your arm and jostle my head a bit baby." He's able to fall asleep independently during the day, but always seems to need a little extra TLC before sacking out in the evening. He's still pretty snoozy during the day. He'll give us a good hour after he wakes in the morning, and a good two hours in the late afternoon. Otherwise, he's waking to eat and play briefly, before being ready for a rest.
First social smiles at 7 weeks, oh what we now will do to evoke these grins!
This month he's started snoozing in his crib during the afternoon. We still have him in his bassinet in our room during the night... and I can't imagine moving him anytime soon. It just feels cozy having him snugged up beside our bed. (Not to mention convenient for this tired momma during night feeds.)
This little guy is a rockstar at tummy time and our pediatrician, whom Oliver has christened "Dot-er Kaf-rin" (Doctor Kathryn) says has the core strength and neck stability of a four month old. I don't mean to brag, but... come'on.
Oliver continues to beg, and I mean, BEG, to hold his "liddle brudder." He has a sonar for Milo's location, and as soon as he's on the floor, Oliver is right beside him to "pay tummy time" and cheer on his "brudder." "Well done, Mido!" This past week I was cooking dinner in the kitchen and heard Oliver giggling, and peeked my head into the living room to find him standing beside Milo's swing, moving the mobile, making sure he had Milo's full attention, cracking himself up that Milo was "playing." He has made multiple requests for Milo to play cars, and will often offer up a car for Milo to have while he's playing. Melt. My. Heart.
This is the good stuff people.
The days are still long, although not quite as long as the first week Matt went back to work and we are finding more and more moments of peace. Matt's working lots of long hours, and often missing dinners and bedtimes, which is in a word, brutal, on all four of us. I'll spare you the ugly details, but imagine a screaming baby, a toddler who has pooped in the tub, and a momma whose missed lunch and dinner... and then throw in a husband who had to bail on a date with his wife because of work and then who gets rear ended on the way home. You can't make this stuff up.
But we are breathing through the pain and singing Daniel Tiger songs to ourselves. Thank you PBS.